I heard somewhere recently that a lot of ancient stories, such as those written in a book like the Bible often were written to avoid scrutiny of the ruling class. Likewise you would tell stories where the primary point was not the facts or accuracy thereof, but the moral of the story. The entire Old Testament was written during a time where the facts were not as important as the meaning. Thus you had devices such as parables and revelation to actually comment, discuss and criticize the politics and issues of the day.
For example the Book of Revelation by John of of Patmos is a thinly veiled critique of the Romans, religion and in particular Nero. Jesus told a lot of parables but they all can be interpreted to criticize the Jewish leadership and religious practices and promote more Roman and Greek ideals and reinterpretations of Judaism.
And yes, a lot of those were prophetic, but anyone alive back then knew the way Romans dealt with rebellions and rebellion was seething amongst the Jews at the time, hence why Jesus said to pay back to Caesar etc. The whole region was a powder keg, “of that day and hour knoweth no man” is easily interpreted as “the Romans are coming at some point [to put down this rebellion], only God knows when”. It seems Jesus across all those parables is telling people to prepare for a siege and to stop putting faith in the old Judaic ways since God won’t save them, the stories of the Old Testament were just moral stories and people understood that.